Patient testimonials

Discover how KarunaHOME has helped patients with a variety of chronic pain conditions get relief, gain confidence, and unlearn their pain.

KarunaHOME for Low Back Pain

"Working with Karuna has allowed me to really believe in being able to move again."

KarunaHOME for Frozen Shoulder

"I've had great results from this program. It's hard to believe it only took 8 weeks."

KarunaHOME for Low Back Pain

"The most helpful thing was having a coach to be a positive support for me."

KarunaHOME for CRPS

"This program teaches you tools that you use throughout every single moment of the day"

KarunaHOME for Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

"Having a program that helps you understand what you’re going through is something that anybody with chronic pain can benefit from."

KarunaHOME for Phantom Limb Pain

"I’m so glad I did it because not only has it helped me but it is going to help you. 100%."